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Obtain Secure Local Jobs registration

Business Support Concierge

Feb 16, 2023

Why register and how to do it


The ACT Government has a policy that requires businesses that want to work with them show how they provide high ethical jobs for the local community. By registering it means that your local ACT business can apply for ACT Government work contracts. Perhaps there are some tenders open right now that would be perfect for your business. You can read through the open tenders here:


If your business is doing the right thing by your workers, it probably already qualifies with little or no changes. We acknowledge it can be a challenge to find time on top of your regular business activities. Registration may be on the bottom of the to do list. It is worthwhile to put it on the top of the list. Read about it below:

Julie is here to assist with the registration process by phone or email:

(02) 6189 0770

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